Sanskrit Dhatu Kosha Pdf 21
Through the 10 dhamanis travelling in upward direction, the Rasa dhatu travels and nourishes the upper parts of the body.Through the 10 dhamanis travelling in downward direction, Rasa dhatu travels and nourishes the lower parts of the body andtravelling through 4 dhamanis going laterally (side-wards), the Rasa dhatu nourishes the lateral parts or sides of the body.
Travelling all over the body through the dhamanees, the rasa dhatu nourishes the tissues, organs, doshas and malas (excreta). Though the rasa is circulating all over the body, its main site is said to be Hrudaya because it is Hrudaya which distributes the Rasa through the dhamanis.
This means to tell that the Rasa dhatu does Tarpana, Vardhana, Dharana, Yapana, Snehana, Avashtambana and Tushti of Doshas, dhatus, upadhatus, avayavas (body parts and organs) and malas. These functions of Rasa dhatu is mandatory for the body functions to keep going in a smooth way.
The Rasa dhatu thus pumped and circulated by Hridaya will nourish all the tissues of the body but will follow the chronology of providing nutrition to Rakta (blood) etc tissues. Therefore the most important function of Rasa dhatu will be to nourish it immediate successor tissue i.e. Rakta dhatu (cellular component of the blood tissue)
The normal state, pathological increase and decrease of Rasa dhatu can be known by inference like, pain, tremors (palpitations) etc in the heart suggest qualitative and quantitative depletion of Rasa Dhatu, Hrudaya utkleda (nausea) etc will indicate pathological increase of Rasa Dhatu and the absence of any of these symptoms show that Rasa dhatu is in a state of balance (equilibrium).
Rasa dhatu is said to be Sowmya (having the nature of moon and water). this quality is attributed to Rasa Dhatu on the basis of its functions like Snehana, Jeevana, Tarpana, Dharana etc which are also pleasant functions. Thus rasa is included in kapha varga (components of the body belonging to the class of Kapha i.e. watery in nature).
Thus the dhamanees help in nourishing the rasa dhatu through skin also. These dhamanis also convey pleasure and painful signals experienced by touch (skin) to the Atma (soul) i.e. dhamanees make us feel many beneficial and non-beneficial sensations.
When a material burning in the fire example, a wooden log burns in fire, the part of the material burnt gives way to the next part of the wood which is in queue of being burnt. Just like this, when the tissues or body parts make use of rasa dhatu supplied to it, it gets replaced by the rasa dhatu in circulation.
Any tissue is said to be present in normal quantity (in a given person) when its functions are seen to be normal and in the presence of normal physical and mental health along with a feel of pleasure and happiness, a feeling of well being deep in the soul. This rule is applicable to Rasa dhatu also.
When there is dhatu kshaya (tissue depletion) vata vitiation takes place. This rule is applicable to depletion of rasa dhatu also. All the above symptoms occur due to vata vitiation secondary to rasa kshaya.
The blood has 2 components, one is the liquid portion called plasma or lymph and the other is cellular which comprises of red blood cells, white blood cells, blood platelets etc. the fluid component of the blood can be taken as Rasa Dhatu and the cellular portion is rakta dhatu.Let us try to understand this concept in this way:The whole water content of the body is seen in 2 forms:Intra cellular fluid (fluid which is present within the cells) andExtra cellular fluid (fluid which is present outside the cells)
One of the main functions of the lymph system is to provide an accessory return route to the blood for the surplus 3 litres. Thus lymph also forms an important part of the circulatory system and can be included under rasa dhatu, if not in true terms as in case of plasma which has a completed circuit, starts and ends in the heart, which is rasavaha srotas.
For chronic rasa dhatu ajeerna since childhood which medicines would be beneficial? I am following a correct diet and deenacharya but very little improvement. In my understanding and experience chronic rasadhatukshaya also leads to mind/brain weakness.
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During metabolism, the unctuous part of predecessor majja dhatu is transformed into shukra dhatu. The marrow is present in bones. Minute pores are created by the action of vayu and akasha mahabhuta on bones. The shukra dhatu oozes out from these minute pores after action of factors responsible for the metabolism of shukra dhatu (shukra dhatu agni). This process is like water oozing out of new mud pot, shukra also oozes out of these pores. It is then circulated all over the body through channels of transportation of shukra dhatu(shukravahasrotas).[Cha. Sa.Chikitsa Sthana 15/32-33] Thus, shukra dhatu is present all over body.
Ojas is considered as the metabolic byproduct (upadhatu) of shukra.[Sha. Sa. Purva khanda chapter 5]Other scholars opine that as shukra is the essence of all dhatu, there is no metabolic byproduct or waste formed during its formation.
The persons endowed with the essence of shukra dhatu are gentle (saumya), having charming appearance (saumyaprekshina), beautiful eyes as if filled with milk (kshirapurnalochana) and immensely exhilarated (praharshabahula). Their teeth are unctuous, rounded, firm, even and compact. They have prominent buttocks (large pelvic girdle). They have pleasant, unctuous complexion and voice. They are brilliant. They are liked by women for enjoyment, are strong and endowed with happiness, leisure, health, wealth, honor, and progeny. [Cha. Sa. Vimana Sthana 8/109]
The Channels of transportation and transformation of shukra dhatu (shukravahasrotas) has its roots in testicles and penis. [Cha. Sa. Vimana Sthana 5/8] Sushruta opines that they originate from breast and testicles. There are two vessels to carry Shukra dhatu. [Su. Sa. Sharira Sthana 9/12]There are various other anatomical structures related to shukra dhatu. These can be included in the transport and transformation system of shukra dhatu (shukravaha srotas).
Kala is the layer in outer coverings of the body observed in sagittal section. The layer of shukra is the innermost layer that is present in the entire body. Shukra dhatu is distributed all over the body in the same manner that the fat in the milk and juice in the sugar cane plant are distributed. [Cha Sa Chikitsa Sthana 2/46],[Su. Sa. Sharira Sthana 4/20]
Two pairs of vessels carrying shukra dhatu (shukravahini dhamani) are listed as channels for transportation. [Su. Sa. Sharira Sthana 9/12] Two more vessels are present for production of semen (shukra)and two are for ejaculation.[Su. Sa.Sharira Sthana 9/7]
Excess exercise, senility, improper usage of surgical instruments, alkali (kshara), heat or cautery (agni), emaciation due to other diseases, repression of natural urges, injury, morbidity causing vitiation of dhatus, doshas individually or collectively reaching reproductive system (retovahasrotas) leads to acute disorders of the shukra (semen). [Cha. Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 30/139]
The vitiated semen is frothy(phenilam), less viscous (tanu), dry with less fluid (ruksha), discolored(vivarnam), putrid(puti), slimy (pichhilam ), afflicted with other dhatus and precipitant. [Cha. Sa. Chikitsa Sthana 30/139-140].
In the contemporary approach, the body components related to reproduction are considered under purview of shukra dhatu. Thus, the male and female reproductive systems, their anatomical and physiological aspects are observed under shukra dhatu. The disorders of semen are described mainly in this article. The disorders of female genital tract and menstruation are described in separate contexts with reference to Yonivyapat Chikitsa.
Ayurveda text describe the formation of shukra dhatu from majja dhatu. Current research shows that bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) have the potential for differentiation. They secrete anti-inflammatory cytokines and growth factors which make them appropriate for cell therapy. A study conducted to evaluate the healing effect of BM-MSCs transplantation on germinal cells showed that the transplanted BM-MSCs could successfully induce spermatogenesis in seminiferous tubules of azoospermic hamster. Therefore, BM-MSCs can be an attractive candidate in cell transplantation of azoospermia.[7]
Let us start with a few simple sentences with simple verbs and subjects. Verb changes with the form of the subject. In Sanskrit, the root form of a verb is called dhatu. For example the root for the verb read is 'path (पठ्)'. 2b1af7f3a8